Dec 10
Most Apple User Groups tend to shut down for 4-6 weeks over December and January of each year and many Groups see this as a time to unwind and rest… and yes we agree that should happen!
BUT, this “quite” time is also an excellent opportunity to get some reflection on the past year and more importantly some forward planning and action for the coming year. Continue reading »
Jul 14
Recently I’ve been dealing with a couple of Apple User Groups, along with some Community Groups and even a few businesses – and I was shocked to discover they don’t have a web site!!!
In 2016 this is inexcusable! Every Apple User Group should have a website. These days it quite inexpensive to get online and if you can use an application like Microsoft Word or Apple’s Pages, you have the basic skills to get a site online. Continue reading »
Jun 25
This is our fifth instalment of our series on Working with Presenters. The first article covered “Approaching Potential Presenters“, the second one dealt with “Confirming Presenters“, the third talked about “Working with Presenters “On the Night” and the fourth explained how to follow up after a presentation has been given.
This article will discuss how to find Guest Presenters, including encouraging your own members to give presentations at your meetings. Continue reading »
Jun 06
Over the many years I’ve been giving, or attending, presentations I seen numerous presentations come unstuck due to a simple video adaptor been left at the office or a missing power cord.
By having a small collection of cables and adaptors on hand, you can easily over come these nightmares. Continue reading »
May 23
The pressure on the Publicity Officer of your Apple User Group for writing a great press release can seem overwhelming, but it need not be!
There are some basic guidelines on how to write a media release that will help you write the perfect release for publication.
Likewise, there are basic tips for ensuring your release reaches the correct person at the appropriate media outlets, thus increasing your chances of getting your announcement published. Continue reading »
Feb 01

Quit carrying the entire load
Most, if not all, Apple User Groups have a Committee or Board of Directors that usually consist on at least a President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer. More often than not, there are a couple of ‘Ordinary Members’ on the Committee as well.
And in many cases the Committee end up doing the bulk of the day-to-day work for the club, which means they can’t focus on long term and overall strategic planning… and just as often they just end up plain running out of energy.
If this sounds like your organisation, seriously consider appointing some additional people to extra positions. Continue reading »
Jan 16
This is our fourth instalment of our series on Working with Presenters. The first article covered “Approaching Potential Presenters“, the second one dealt with “Confirming Presenters” and the third talked about “Working with Presenters “On the Night“.
This article will detail a few simple tasks that you should do AFTER the Presentation… unfortunately most groups don’t do any, let alone just one, of these! Continue reading »
Jan 16
I was recently importing all the old HTML pages from my personal website,, into a new WordPress site and whilst working on the Presentations pages I realised that although much of the information would need updating, many of the topics would still form a great basis for other User Groups to develop in to their own presentations. Continue reading »
Nov 11

Topics for User Group Leader Support
The Apple User Group Advisory Board and User Group Support Team have implemented a new support system to assist Apple User Group leaders worldwide. Every leader request for support is now assigned a unique ticket number which can be used to track the progress of the request online. The online support system will allow the AUGAB to better serve group leaders and get them the answers they need for their user group. The User Group Support Team is ready to help you out.
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Nov 11

Apple User Groups
The Apple User Group Advisory Board have launched a brand new “Find an Apple User Group” page, which makes it extremely simple to find an Apple User Group near you, regardless of where you are located in the world.
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Nov 11

DJTECH Cube 50 Portable Rechargeable Speaker with Amplifier
Over the years I’ve had a number of Australian Apple User Groups ask me for suggestions on a suitable portable public address system for use at their meetings. Unfortunately there weren’t many selections available at a reasonable price. There were plenty that I had investigated myself, but most started around the $1,000 mark and sky rocketed from there. Obviously, these are out of reach of most Apple User Groups.
Well, now I’ve found one for under $300… and until November 30, 2012, for this price you can add a couple of useful extras for a similar price! Continue reading »
Aug 12
This is our third instalment of the series on Working with Presenters. The first article covered “Approaching Potential Presenters” and the second one dealt with “Confirming Presenters“. This article will offer suggestions on how work with Presenters “On the Night” to provide the best experience for the Presenter, your Members and the Meeting Co-ordinator. Continue reading »
May 06

Working Together
The Apple User Group Advisory Board have a number of special offers and resources available exclusively to the leaders of Apple User Groups;
- Moving to the Cloud: Resources for Groups
- Fantastical Presentation Special
- Naturespace: Leader Offer of Nature’s Finest Audio Recordings App
- Prosoft Products Review Special
- Dolly Drive backup/sync/storage Offer
Get in quick – some of these offers expire soon!
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Jun 12

Audio Glove
The Audioglove is a case that amps up your iPhone 3GS or 4, and turns it into a hands-free device.
While supplies last, Apple User Group Leaders may acquire a free Audioglove from Fadigear, for demonstration at a meeting. Continue reading »