There are now TWO Disc of the Month titles for release in November – Festive Fun II & Alternative Office.
Festive Fun Volume II
The first disc is the DVD I advised you was coming, and it is called Festive Fun Volume II
“Where is Festive Fun Volume 1?” I hear many of you ask… well it was released as a CD called AUSOM Festive Fun last November and that content has been merged into the Festive Fun II DVD, so there are now;
- 3000+ pieces of Christmas Clip Art
- 990+ pieces of Christmas Music and Videos
- 880+ Christmas Card & Gift Tags
- 600+ Christmas Activities
- 300+ Christmas Fonts
- 35+ Christmas Applications
- 30+ Christmas Stories
All on a single DVD… which has an RRP of $15.
The original AUSOM Festive Fun CD contained “only” 1600+ pieces of Christmas Clip Art; 200+ Christmas Activities; 160+ pieces of Christmas Music; 150+ Christmas Card & Gift Tags; 35+ Christmas Fonts; 30+ Christmas Stories and 25+ Christmas Applications… and it sold FIFTY copies the first month it was released and then an additional THIRTY copies the following month. To date it still holds the record at AUSOM for the “Most Copies Sold of a Single Disc Title” at AUSOM (and remember it was only on sale for two months before been removed from their sales catalogue) so I believe the vastly expanded Festive Fun Volume II will sell like hotcakes for your groups.
I also suspect some you may be asking “Why release Festive Fun II in November rather than December?” There are a few reasons but the main two are;
- Many MUGs don’t have meetings in December, particularly those that meet later in the month, and I wanted them to have the opportunity to sell this Disc to their members.
- But the main reason is to allow YOUR MEMBERS the opportunity to explore the Disc BEFORE they go out and purchase commercial greeting cards to send out… as organized people usually send their Seasons Greetings late November or early December (unlike me who sends them Christmas Eve, or worse still Boxing Day… if at all) so a December release date wouldn’t catch those members.
So in light of this last reason for a November release, to help promote the original Festive Fun, I conducted a “How to create greeting cards in Pages” presentation at the November 2007 AUSOM meeting and used the contents of the AUSOM Festive Fun CD to demonstrate inserting clipart, finding new fonts etc into my greeting cards and then mentioned the CD at the end of that presentation – You want to consider something similar for your group’s November meeting or even a article on it in your newsletter.
There was also an “extended” promo movie, which we ran with the volume UP REALLY LOUD and it certainly woke the audience up (this promo movie was then repeated in December, just not so loud). You may wish to do something similar with this years Promo Movie.
I’ve also done something a little different this month and included a flyer for an OPTIONAL bundling promotion… which says “Purchase Festive Fun II for $15 and purchase EITHER Celebrations Galore OR Publishing House for an extra $5”. Hopefully it’ll help generate a few extra sales for you.
Why bundle Celebrations Galore and Publishing House? Well they compliment Festive Fun II… Celebrations Galore provides clipart, fonts and music for all the other holidays and celebrations (including New Years) and Publishing House offers tools to create greetings cards. calendars etc using the clip art, fonts and other material found on Festive Fun. So your members may be interested in picking these titles up as well.
As I said this bundle promotion is OPTIONAL… and if you do elect to run with, I recommend it be a “Meeting Only” deal and you show the Festive Fun promo movie and talk to that briefly, then show the Bundle Offer and explain to your members the benefits of the two Discs on offer… have the promo flyers for Celebrations Galore and Publishing House (as well as Festive Fun II) printed out and available for members to browse so they can decide which Disc they’d prefer
BTW: I had considered another Bundle option along the lines of a “Publishing Celebration & Festival Bundle” where you could bundle Publishing House; Celebrations Galore AND Festive Fun Volume II together for $30, saving $5 over the RRP… but experience has shown people are far more likely to hand over $20 for a “smaller” bundle than $30 for a “larger” bundle… but you all know your members better than I do… so feel free to experiment with different bundling options.
Alternative Office
With the launch, finally, of the Mac OS X native version of OpenOffice, I thought now was a prudent time to release an collection of alternative productivity suites and applications to Microsoft Office. If you plan on discussing or presenting OpenOffice in the next couple of month’s, this Disc is the perfect companion to promote to save your members downloading a 160MB file – they can take the Disc home and start playing with OpenOffice, and the other titles, immediately.
The Disc Images, Disc Labels and Promo Flyers for both Festive Fun II and Alternative Office are ready to download NOW from the Niche FTP site… if you need the login details just holler. The promo movie for Alternative Office is available for downloading now, but the Promo movie for Festive Fun II will be uploaded within the next few days.
If you need the Disc Images and other support files for Celebrations Galore or Publishing House, they can still be found up on the Niche FTP site.
My suggestion is grab Festive Fun’s Disc Image first – with it weighing in at a massive 4.3GB, it will take the longest to download and duplicate; then grab Alternative Office… and if you need them, then grab the files for Publishing House and Celebrations Galore.
Until next month, have fun 😉
Promotional Material
view festive fun ii bundle flyer »
view festive fun ii promo movie »
October 17th, 2009 at 19:17
[…] For more information about Festive Fun II and some of the additional support files we have supplied, see the original Festive Fun II Announcement. […]
October 17th, 2011 at 21:56
[…] Festive Fun II is a collection of; […]
March 25th, 2012 at 18:40
[…] Festive Fun II is a collection of; […]
November 18th, 2015 at 18:43
[…] Festive Fun II is a collection of; […]
November 30th, 2015 at 16:36
[…] Festive Fun II is a collection of; […]
May 15th, 2016 at 01:16
[…] Alternatives and Alternative Office: Use these as part of a couple of “Shoot Out” […]