Ultimate iLife & iWork Companion Disc Labels
The Ultimate iLife & iWork Companion includes;
- 30,000+ Clip Art Images
- 14,000+ Music Pieces including Clips, Bumpers, Sound Loops & GarageBand Loops
- 8,000+ TrueType Fonts
- 2,200+ Shapes, Buttons & Lines
- 1,800+ Sound Effects
- 500+ Templates & Themes for Keynote, Pages & Numbers
- 300+ Stock Photography Images
- 80+ iMovie Plug-ins
- 40+ Video Clips
- 20+ Themes for iDVD & iWeb
Downloading the Ultimate iLife & iWork Companion DVDs
User Group Leaders can download a copy of the two Disc Images and support files from the DotM Archive. If you need the User ID and Password, just contact Nicholas.
However, to make it easier for everyone, we have come up with a once off special solution… send us a USB thumbdrive or Firewire 400 or USB Hard Drive of at least 16GB in capacity and include return postage, we’ll then copy the Disc Images and support files onto the drive and send it back.
Depending on the size of the Drive you send us, we’ll even send you some bonus material…
16GB+ Drive: Ultimate iLife & iWork Companion DVDs and support files and ONE bonus DVD – “iLife ’09 & iLife ’09 Tutorials”
30GB+ Drive: Ultimate iLife & iWork Companion DVDs and support files and THREE bonus DVDs – “iLife ’09 & iLife ’09 Tutorials”, “Mac OS X How to Guides” and “Pro Apps Tutorials”
80GB+ Drive: The ENTIRE Disc of the Month Archive PLUS the above bonus DVDs AND all six SXSW DVDs. [If your group hasn’t downloaded the DotM yet, this is the best way of getting everything in one hit!]
PLUS… In all cases, we’ll include another bonus CD Disc Image that can be used if you are raffling off Take Control ebooks at your meetings!
This offer expires April 30, 2010 and is only available once per Australian Apple User Group. Contact Nicholas for details on how to take advantage of this offer.
This month there are two Promo flyers – both are a single page, but one is in landscape mode and the other is in portrait mode – and we included the Landscape version on Disc 1 and the Portrait version on Disc 2. Feel free to use which ever one suits your newsletters, website and sales catalogues best.
The Ultimate iLife & iWork Companion is available as a 2-DVD Set for $20 from participating Apple User Groups, including;
- AMUG Sydney
- Apple-MAQ/Lions Club
- AUSOM Incorporated
- Bundy Mac User Group
- Byron Shire Mac User Group
- Central Victorian Macintosh Users Inc
- ClubMac
- Coffs Harbour Mac Users Group
- Geraldton Macintosh User Group
- Gold Coast Apple Users Group
- iMug
- MacTalk Hunter
- South Australian Apple Users Club
Many of these User Groups allow you to purchase the Discs of the Month from their meetings – often at a discount; or to order via the web, postal mail, fax or telephone.
Promotional Material

Ultimate iLife & iWork Companion Disc Labels
April 28th, 2010 at 02:34
[…] Pages (part of iWork) and even Microsoft Office have templates for certificates and the Ultimate iLife & iWork Companion DVDs have elements and templates you can use as […]