
Apple User Groups

Apple User Groups

Apple User Groups

Australian Apple User Groups

Australian Apple & Macintosh User Groups (MUGs) that know to be active and that we have regular contact with can be found below;

Australian Capital Territory (ACT)

New South Wales (NSW)

Northern Territory (NT)

No Known Groups 🙁

Queensland (QLD)

South Australia (SA)

Tasmania (TAS)

No Known Groups 🙁

Victoria (VIC)

Western Australia (WA)

New Zealand Apple User Groups

We get a few enquiries from people looking for Apple User Groups in New Zealand, so we’ve provided a list of the New Zealand User Groups we know about.

Looking for other International User Groups?

The Apple User Group Resources website maintains the most comprehensive list of Apple User Groups in the United States, Europe, Asia and Africa, as well as Online Apple User Groups.

Apple User Group Resource’s Find A Group

Not listed?

If your group isn’t listed here and you’d like it to be included on this list, please complete the following form;

    Submit Apple User Group Details

    All fields are required, unless otherwise stated

    User Group Full Name

    User Group Website

    User Group Email (required, won't be published)


    The following are for statical purposes and won't be published

    Number of Members

    What services do you offer your members (required, tick all that apply)

    Newsletter - PrintNewsletter - PDF/HTMLDisc of the MonthOnline ForumsDiscussion Mailing ListMeetingsTraining Sessions - in GroupsTraining Sessions - One-on-OneBook LibraryOther - Specify in comments below

    Personal Details (These will not be published)

    Your Name

    Your Email

    Your Position

    PresidentVice-PresidentSecretaryTreasurerCommittee MemberNewsletter Editor (Print)Newsletter Editor (Online)WebmasterDisc of the Month ProducerOther

    Additional Comments (optional)

    By ticking this box, and submitting the request, you agree that you have the authority to submit your Group details for inclusion in the the User Group Listing and to be signed up to the AppleUsers-Announce mailing list.

    To ensure you are not an auto-bot, please type the following phrase (it is case sensitive)

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