Nov 11

Publisher & Printer
Recently Adam Engst from TidBITS published an excellent article entitled “Think Like a Publisher” that we believe all Apple User Group Leaders should read.
The personal computer — and the dynamic duo of the Macintosh and LaserWriter in particular — revolutionized print publishing by making it easy to whip up a brochure, flyer, or newsletter. The Internet extended our individual publishing capabilities even further, enabling anyone to send bulk email, start a blog, or set up a Web site.
And while anyone can now publish something, not everyone gets it right! However, Adam’s advice makes it easy for everyone to start thinking like a professional publisher! Continue reading »
Nov 11

DJTECH Cube 50 Portable Rechargeable Speaker with Amplifier
Over the years I’ve had a number of Australian Apple User Groups ask me for suggestions on a suitable portable public address system for use at their meetings. Unfortunately there weren’t many selections available at a reasonable price. There were plenty that I had investigated myself, but most started around the $1,000 mark and sky rocketed from there. Obviously, these are out of reach of most Apple User Groups.
Well, now I’ve found one for under $300… and until November 30, 2012, for this price you can add a couple of useful extras for a similar price! Continue reading »
Aug 12
This is our third instalment of the series on Working with Presenters. The first article covered “Approaching Potential Presenters” and the second one dealt with “Confirming Presenters“. This article will offer suggestions on how work with Presenters “On the Night” to provide the best experience for the Presenter, your Members and the Meeting Co-ordinator. Continue reading »
Jul 19

AppleUsers Spotlight Issue 18 Cover
The AppleUsers Spotlight has returned after a hiatus, with the July 2012 issue of the AppleUsers Spotlight now available for downloading!
It is available in PDF format and can be read using Adobe Reader or Preview under Mac OS X, Adobe Reader for Windows and now in iBooks on the iPad, iPhone and iPad touch. This issue sees an improved user experience for iPad users.
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Jul 10

Win Amazing Prizes
Welcome to the AppleUsers Spotlight Contest for Issue #18. We have a number of software packages and ebooks available to be won!
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May 06

Working Together
The Apple User Group Advisory Board have a number of special offers and resources available exclusively to the leaders of Apple User Groups;
- Moving to the Cloud: Resources for Groups
- Fantastical Presentation Special
- Naturespace: Leader Offer of Nature’s Finest Audio Recordings App
- Prosoft Products Review Special
- Dolly Drive backup/sync/storage Offer
Get in quick – some of these offers expire soon!
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May 06 Logo
Yes, and the AppleUsers Spotlight are alive and well! We’ve just taken a slightly longer hiatus than we expected, but we’re coming back real soon now — Bigger and Better than before!
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Nov 21

November 2011 AppleUsers Spotlight Cover
The November 2011 issue of the AppleUsers Spotlight is finally here!
It is available in PDF format and can be read using Adobe Reader or Preview under Mac OS X, Adobe Reader for Windows and now in iBooks on the iPad, iPhone and iPad touch. Continue reading »
Oct 17

Festive Celebrations Disc Label
Festive Celebrations is a DVD that merges two previous titles, Festive Fun II and Celebrations Galore, which were full of Holiday focused clipart, images, fonts, greeting cards, colouring books and more, on to a single DVD.
It is now available for Apple User Group Leaders from across the globe to download and distribute to their members.
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Oct 17
After the hugh success of the “Spotlight on FOSS” DVD that prepared for Software Freedom Day 2011, we have decided to relaunch the Disc of the Month Project, and open it up to all Apple User Groups, Globally! Continue reading »
Aug 29

AppleUsers Spotlight FOSS Sampler Edition Cover
Welcome to this Sampler Edition of the AppleUsers Spotlight, which we have created especially for inclusion on the “
Spotlight on FOSS” DVD which will be distributed by various Apple User Groups around the globe on Software Freedom Day — September 17, 2011.
Normally the Spotlight contains articles covering a wide range of topics relating to all Apple products. There are reviews of software for the Mac and iOS devices, plus lots of helpful hints and tips. For a bit of fun, we even have a regular column that features different recipes for the actual fruit!
For this Sampler Edition, we have scoured though all our back issues to find any articles we’ve published regarding Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) and bought them all together, along with a few other interesting articles, to give you an introduction to the style of our free, digital format, magazine. Continue reading »
Aug 28

A Spotlight on FOSS Disc Label
As part of the celebrations of Software Freedom Day 2011, has compiled a selection of some of the best, yet totally free, software that’s available for the Mac, collected together on a single DVD, called “Spotlight on FOSS” plus we’ve included some bonus videos that were created with Open Source Software!
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Jul 24

Software Freedom Day 2011 Logo
Write Saturday, September 17, 2011 on your calendar… It’s Software Freedom Day 2011 and we are again encouraging all Australian Apple User Groups to participate in local events, or organise your own.
Software Freedom Day (SFD) is a worldwide celebration of Free and Open Source Software (FOSS). Their goal in this celebration is to educate the worldwide public about of the benefits of using high quality FOSS in education, in government, at home, and in business — in short, everywhere! The non-profit company Software Freedom International coordinates SFD at a global level, providing support, giveaways and a point of collaboration, but volunteer teams around the world organize the local SFD events to impact their own communities. Continue reading »
Jul 14

JunJul 2011 AppleUsers Spotlight Cover
The Jun/Jul 2011 issue of the AppleUsers Spotlight is our largest issue yet, weighing in at a massive 103 pages. It is now available in PDF format and can be read using Adobe Reader or Preview under Mac OS X, Adobe Reader for Windows and now in iBooks on the iPad, iPhone and iPad touch.
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