Jan 07
Latest News Stack

Latest News Stack

Hi All,

Following on from the announcement of the new publicity opportunities for promoting MUGs on the new Australian Macworld website, I’ve had a couple of queries asking where else can MUGs, both big and small, get some extra publicity coverage.

Well, there are a number of resources ready and waiting for you to capitalise upon, including;

Direct Email Contacts

Here is a list of people that write MUG specific newsletters, articles or websites;

Nicholas Pyers –
Obviously, this is the first person I suggest you contact 😉 As mentioned in previous postings, Australian Macworld are launching their new website and this will include a “blog” section that will focus on the Australian MUG scene and news.

Plus there is the MUG Event Listing Calendar published in the print magazine each month.

Chuck Joiner – Editor MUG Center
Chuck operates the definitive Macintosh User Group site in the world and news posted to the MUG Center is regularly picked up by other Mac News Aggregator Sites, providing additional coverage.

Sandy Foderick – Editor Apple User Group Bulletin
The Apple User Group Bulletin is a monthly e-newsletter that contains all sorts of news and information for the leadership of Apple Usergroups and features a Milestones section and Sandy is always on the look out for interesting and different stories and events to highlight.

Graeme Moffatt – Apple Regional Liaison
Graeme is the Apple Regional Liasion for Oceania, which includes Australia, New Zealand and some of the Pacific Islands, and he can help other relevant groups and individuals become aware of your story, even if it is just reminding them of the story you sent directly to them.

Anthony Aguis – Editor MacTalk
MacTalk is described as “The Australian Macintosh Community” and whilst some MUGs may see the MacTalk forums as competition to their forums, I believe that can actually complement yours and they certainly have a great reach in their audience demographics.

Giovanna Ostacchini – Apple Australia Webmaster
Giovanna is always on the look out for Australian specific “Hot News” to include on the Australian Hot News page and major events, milestones and stories from Australian MUGs can make a wonderful and unique contribution.

Marsee Henon – Usergroup contact at O’Reilly
Marsee is always willing to assist MUGs get the word out about any interesting event or session

Event Calendars

The following websites offer Event Calendars where you can publish your own details of meetings etc.

Apple Usergroups Events Calendar

MUGs around the world can publish their meetings and special events here.

apple usergroups events calendar

ABC Radio

ABC Radio have Events Calendars for various regions in their Backyard section.

abc radio

From O’Reilly Books

This appeared in a recent mailout from O’Reilly’s;

What do you have going on with your group that we should know?

Send me the details, web site, date, and anything else handy. We’re looking for things like code camps, events, projects, and joint ventures with other groups to highlight.

We’ve started a new blog at O’Reilly and I’m looking for UG activities to include. Here’s the link to check it out:

o’reilly blog

Update on the UG wiki: You now have to use a password and user name to update our UG wiki. We are getting wikispam and some of the content was removed (but we fixed it!)

To update your info or add your group contact Marsee at O’Reilly’s and she’ll provide you with the login details.

o’reilly wiki

Local Papers

Each state has its’ own local newspaper chain with regional editions that are probably crying out for new and different stories.

Even if you aren’t based in a particular region you can often get a story included in an issue by offering a unique outlook on a topic.

Below are listed the Primary site for the major local newspaper groups in each state. There may be others, but this is a starting point and they all break off to specific regions and provide contact names and methods of contacts. Most also offer a free Events Calendar submission form like this one offered by Leader Newspaper in Victoria;

leader calendar

NSW – Cumberland
VIC – Leader News
QLD – quest community news
SA – Messenger Newspapers
WA – Community News
NT – Northern Territory News

Some Reading Material

If you want to get coverage in the media, either online, printed press or even radio or TV, there are some things that you’ll need to understand first, including;

  • The importance of having a actual Public Relations Officer in your group
  • How to write an effective Press Release
  • Whom exactly to send it to (and why you don’t just send it to the Chief Editor)
  • Timing of the release for maximum coverage
  • and most importantly, how to FOLLOW UP your release

There are some great books out there covering all of these points and more, and a few I’ve recently read have included;

Publication Relations Handbook for Clubs and Associations, The
Author: Jim Macnamara
ISBN: 1 86350 073 1

How to use the Media in Australia
Author: Iola Mathews
ISBN: 0 14 014467 6

How to do your own P.R.
Author: Ian Phillipson
ISBN: 978-8172246884

Promote Your Business
Author: Mary Morel
ISBN: 1 86508 931 1

But also check your local library, or better still contact the various publishers who support User Groups, and see what titles they have available on this topic.

An other really useful resource is the Margaret Gee’s Australian Media Guide, which provides over 25,000 media contacts in Australian TV, Radio and Print. More information can be found online at and most public libraries have a fairly recent copy in stock, even if it is in their Reference section and can’t actually be borrowed (but you can certainly read it in the library and jot down some notes)

Feedback Welcomed

If you have any other avenues or ideas for promoting Australian MUGs, let me know and I can pass them on in future updates.

In particular, areas I don’t know much about is Radio and TV opportunities…so if you have hints on how we can all tap into these media groups, particularly the Community stations, let us know.

3 Responses to “Publicity Opportunities for MUGs”

  1. Calling for July 2009 Meeting Dates | Says:

    […] duck over to the ‘Publicity Opportunities for MUG’s‘ article for a list of other places you can promote your group’s […]

  2. Call for August Meeting Dates | Says:

    […] duck over to the ‘Publicity Opportunities for MUG’s‘ article for a list of other places you can promote your group’s […]

  3. Don’t Carry the Burden Alone! | Says:

    […] Publicity Opportunities for Apple User Groups Free ebook: Beginner’s Guide to Writing Powerful Press Releases Guy Kawasaki on “The Art of Creating Community” […]