Jul 02
The June/July 2010 issue of the AppleUsers Spotlight is now available for downloading, free of charge, by any Apple User.
Discount Corner
Two AppleUsers Discs of the Month – “Kid’s Time” and “Adobe Alternatives”
The 59 page issue is available in PDF format and can be read using Adobe Reader or Preview under Mac OS X, Adobe Reader for Windows and now in iBooks on the iPad, iPhone and iPad touch.
Download the June/July 2010 Spotlight
Download June/July 2010 Spotlight (6.0MB PDF)
What’s included in this issue?
Articles in this issue include;
- 22 Useful iPad Tips
- Apple Presents iPhone 4
- Using Google SketchUp
- How to Protect Your Privacy from Facebook
- Christopher Breen Discusses Why He Left Facebook
- Apple Seminars Online
- Create a “torn image” in iWork
- Exploring the ‘grey’ market
- Bookmarks in Safari – Part 2
- Quick Reviews of
- Animal Kingdom – a great new Australian film
- FlagIt
- Voila
Our regular columns are also present, including;
- AppleUsers Contest, which a great selection of applications, physical books, ebooks and Squiz Cards all up for grabs
- The Joy of Tech we selected this month covers how “cool” Social Networking is these days
- Our resident Spotlight Cook presents us with a deliciously warm Apple and Pumpkin Soup
- What’s New for iPhones and What’s New for Macs
- Christopher Breen’s Mac 911
- Book Reviews of
- Take Control of Permissions in Snow Leopard
- Take Control of Mail on the iPad, iPhone and iPod touch
- Logo Design Love
- for members of Apple User Groups
- and introducing exclusive discounts for AppleUser Spotlight Readers from PICA Australia.
July 2nd, 2010 at 07:40
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